Monday, August 14, 2023

The first day of the rest of my life!!!!

 It's finally here!!!!!! Echo is now in school, and he did great at drop-off!!! I think he's gonna knock their socks off; he's one smart cookie!

And so, slowly slowly, gently gently, I'm starting to feel like I'm regaining control of my life. I love my boys, but they are high-energy and do not slow down! But now, I can hear myself think! I have room to move around! I can sit down and do things for longer than five minutes, without that switch in the back of my head that keeps me on edge!

And so, here I sit, with a bowl of watermelon, three fidget spinners, and a world of promise ahead of me! Finally having time to myself can only help me be calm and enjoy the time with my kiddos. I have projects planned, I've enrolled in some editing courses through the library, and I have checklists and calendars and biweekly self-assessed check-ins to get my rear in gear!

But I'm not in a rush. I'm going to hit the the ground strolling, and I'm so happy!

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