Saturday, February 14, 2015

4 baby power-ups!

     So, earlier this morning, I thought about how nice it would be if I didn't need to burp my kiddo every single time he ate.  So, I kept on thinking about that, and I came up with a few power-ups that I wish I had, as a parent of a 2-month old.

The Babylfish                       
     When you have a baby, who just sits there most the day, you REALLY wish that you could talk to him.  Something that I learned from the Sims: you can improve your desire for social interaction by talking to a baby!  Something I was disillusioned to find out: no, you can't.  The baby will look around with incomprehension, even as you try to explain to it why you've never played Final Fantasy VII until now.  With this power-up, your baby will understand what you say, and sometimes even nod.  I spend every waking minute with this little guy.  That's all I ask for.

The Dadelfish                       

     Allow me to quote my son from yesterday, as I was holding him.  *Ahem*.  "Waaaaaaaahhh!!!  Oo!  Oo!  Waaaaaaahhhh!!!"  Don't you wish that you could have a fish wriggle inside of your ear and translate that incessant screaming into, "Hey, my dear father, I'm beginning to feel a tad peckish.  Be a good man and thaw out some boob juice, could you?"  Or, "I hate to be a bother, sweet father, but I've kicked off my socks again, and now my feet are cold."  Or, "Excuse me, father mine, but I've been thinking about mother, and how much of a better snuggler she is than you.  So yeah."

The "Say Cheese"                
      I have probably about a thousand photos of my son.  None of them are smiles.  The closest I've gotten to getting a smile is my little guy sticking his tongue out.  (I'll add it to the comments; it's a pretty good picture.)  But sometimes you just want the little bugger to give you a truly gleeful smile, to make you feel like you're doing this whole "parenting" thing correctly.  And it wouldn't hurt if you got to snap a couple pictures of it, and show off to your family how awesome you are at this whole "parenting" thing.

The Rip Van Baby                 
     In the last two months, I have not slept for 4 hours in a row.  It's because of this little guy.  4 hours is a big stretch for him, too, and it's a lucky night when we get that much sleep.  So, this last power-up (for now, these are too much fun to make) is a magical power-up that makes your baby SO TIRED that he sleeps for a whole TWELVE HOURS.  Can you imagine what that means, as a parent?  You're free to do whatever you want!  Everything that you've missed out on by taking care of this little human larva is yours!  You can do just about anyZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

1 comment:

  1. Here's the picture of little DanPar sticking his tongue out.

    Also, those first two power-ups are references to Douglas Adams' genius fictional animal, the Babelfish, which crawls into your ear and translates for you.
    If you did not know that, you need to read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's awesome.
