Sunday, February 8, 2015

Dad Skillz: How to feed a baby and play videogames all at once!

     Howdy, and welcome to Dadmaster!  I'm Woody!  Life is awesome!

     I'm a dad!  An awesome stay-at-home dad, and it's really great.  My kiddo is a little over 2 months old now, and I have to say, life has changed.

     But not TOO much.

     Yes, there's a new life that my wife and I created.  (Mostly my wife.  I helped.)  Yes, he needs to be fed, changed, lifted, held, and taught how to someday do all these things on his own.  But honestly, I'm still me.  Life is still happening.

     And let me give you one of my proudest achievements as a dad.  I am a genius.  And I have discovered how to play videogames with one hand, while feeding the kiddo (DanPar the Magnificent) with the other.
     We're not talking point-and-click videogames, either.  (Although there's nothing wrong with that.)  We're talking FPS.  Borderlands, specifically.

     Sure, it gets a little crazy, especially not being able to strafe or back up, or, you know, pause, but I am telling you TODAY, that Borderlands so far ranks at #1 for videogames to play when you just had a kid!

     So, follow along, as I tell you about life as a stay-at-home dad.  Trust me, it's a lot of fun!  (And if you're lucky, I'll post a picture of my little DanPar!

Enjoy life!

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