Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Before DanPar

     My kid's great.  I'll be honest, I'm pretty sure he's cooler than 19 kids all put together.  And trust me, I know something about kids.
     Second grade, specifically.  Before our little bundle of joy came to the world, I was an ESL teacher for little 8 and 9 year-olds.  It was my third year of teaching, and I was just figuring out the right way to teach.  I had read a lot of material, and after a while, it came into my skull that kids need to have a procedure.  It expedites learning. it makes them feel more secure, and it shows them examples of how to behave, every day.

     ...that said, what are you supposed to do if you're an 8 year-old kid who came in to learn some English, only to find that COMMISSIONER GORDON NEEDS YOUR HELP BECAUSE POISON IVY IS TAKING OVER DENVER?!??!??!??!?
That's right, y'all.  My classroom was in the Aurora, Colorado Batcave.  And when I, from my pocket, turned on a projection screen that shined the Batsignal, everything changed.  Kids screamed with delight, and then they screamed because Commissioner Gordon (starring my brother) began to tell them what they needed to do.
     Of course, it was all educational, and we used prepositions to find the plants that were hiding across Colorado.  But man, I had them in the Bat-palm of my Bat-hand!

     But there's something changing about today's society.  Women are finding themselves better and better work, and my awesome wife Jessi just so happens to have an awesome job.  She's a civil engineer, and it makes significantly more than an ESL teacher at a charter school.  (Plus, she did love her job more.)  It was fair, and we both agreed that I'm definitely stay-at-home material, with the bonus of having experience with kids.
     So, almost exactly a week before DanPar came on the scene, I resigned my job.  They had 3 months' warning, and I knew that they'd find someone probably more effective than me.  But I was just finding my stride.

     No hard feelings towards my boy; being a Dad is so much more than being a teacher, if you ask me.  And just last week, I went back to school to show off the greatest 2 month-old on the planet.  And you know what?  My replacement still has the sign above my old room, proudly proclaiming, "The Batcave."

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