Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Cups of Coffee, 5/27/15

Cup of coffee #10:  Making money as a stay-at-home dude!

I thought about recreating the album cover for Nevermind.  Then I didn't.
So far, I have found two ways to--

Um, yes?  What is it?

Oh, yeah, I was just gonna say, I figure that I might be able to make mon--

Gotcha.  I don't either.  But I mean, if I found a way to make money while writing about my kid, I might be able to spend more time at home.

Look, I try to block out all the ads that are the worst.  If you really don't like one, just let me know.

I heard you, buddy.  Also, I do mystery shopping!  It pays a few dollars each time, but I get a free meal out of it!  Although it seems like the only places that need mystery shopping done are burger joints, so it isn't entirely the best for my boyish figure.

Cup of coffee #11:  Glowy rectangles

Note the awesome Cap diapers.  Cloth diapers, yo.
So, yeah, our lives revolve around glowy rectangles.  I'll go out for a walk, and I'll have at least three glowy rectangles with me.  I'll come home, and use a glowy rectangle to play music and dance with DanPar, who will be recorded with a glowy rectangle to be played on other glowy rectangles.  I don't think there's any convincing my kiddo that glowy rectangles aren't a huge part of society.  Heck, I'm typing on a glowy rectangle right now.  I hope that he isn't obsessed with glowy rectangles, but I still hope he can learn how to use them so that when I have trouble with my glowy rectangles when I'm older, he can help me out.

Cup of coffee #12:  "Oh my goodness, little guy." that French Harry Potter?  Heck oui it is!
When I first started out my career in stay-at-home parenting, I read that kids are supposed to hear 30,000 words a day.  THIRTY.  THOUSAND.  In context, that's about half of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  So I decided to narrate my life.  (I'm reading this out loud right now for DanPar's benefit.)  The only problem is, it's very hard to turn that off.  So, even if he's asleep and four rooms away, I'll still be talking about how I'm making this great sandwich.  Probably the most common phrase I use nowadays is, "Oh my goodness, little guy."  I've found myself saying this to my friends, who think that I have just created a diminutive nickname for them.  Ah well.

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