Saturday, March 18, 2017

Chock-full Saturday

"I'm hungry. I need a muffin."

Those were Daniel's first words today, coming through the monitor. They were sweet, and so indicative of how old that boy is getting!

Soon we found all four of us around the breakfast table, batting back and forth the most common phrase on a Saturday in a married household, "So, what do you want to do today?"

It seemed like we were just going to spend the day indoors, until...honestly, I don't know what happened. Something must have. Because before long, we were going out for mini pizzas, buying wine, having a picnic at the park, running around watching kids play baseball, heading to Grandma and Papa's house to see Binbint, playing in a sandbox, reluctantly playing in sprinklers, splashing in a kiddy pool, and having a big steak dinner before coming home.

Now I can barely believe it's not Sunday, considering how chock-full we packed this day. As we dropped DanPar into bed, ass rightfully kicked, he hugged Jessi's old teddy bear and said,

"Hi, Big Bear. Daniel loves you."

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