Monday, March 27, 2017

Getting lighter!

I was big.
Really big.
I checked myself at one of those grocery store BMI doodads, and it told me, with as much tact as can be expected from a machine, "You're obese!"
Well huh.

I could qualify it in my head as much as I could, with, "I can still run, jump, and climb as well as the average Joe" or "I'm chubby, but I'm not round or anything." But hey, I was obese, by the standard that determines if you're obese or not.

But I sure do love eating. It's a great thing to be able to do with someone is cook and eat and enjoy things. So I devised a diet, called the "Sad lonely hungry Woody diet"!

Here's the deal:
Eating is a social thing for me. I love eating with people. So, when I'm with people, eat as normal. If there's steak, eat steak. Salad? Eat salad. Mac n' cheese? Eat mac n' cheese.

But I spend most of my days just me and the boys. When it's just us, I eat a super restrictive diet, only vegetable carbs, lots of protein, and low fat.

For breakfast, I usually have coffee and protein powder. If I must, I add some powdered milk. Lunch is chicken and asparagus. Lots of chicken. Lots of asparagus. In between, I have eggs and sugar-free gum. From dawn through the afternoon, I have around 600 calories.

When Jessi comes home, we have dinner as usual (we had enchiladas last night!), and it's not uncommon for us to have a little bit of ice cream after the boys go to bed.

And it's actually working. I've lost ten pounds in the last month! It's no crash diet, no "I LOST FIFTY POUNDS IN FOUR DAYS" but I'm visibly thinner, and it's sustainable! Some days are rough, so I allow myself some cheats here and there, but it's always minor, like a few crackers, or rice and lentils, or whole milk in my coffee, or I finish the yogurt Daniel didn't finish. (Gasp!)

So, here I am. I feel good. The low carb diet always means a dip in energy, especially at the start, but I'm getting better at it. Every day I have another reason to look forward to hanging out with people, and it's very nice.

Anyways, just some brag brag about me being overweight! Not obese anymore, just overweight! And while I may never reach "normal", I'm glad that I was able to take action before things got dire!

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