Saturday, January 26, 2019

Early morning, back on the wagon!

For the past two days, Crash Boy has woken up just a minute or two after 5:00, the time that we've said is okay for them to be up. I love early morning. It's a great time to sit down and get things done. It's peaceful, and it's a nice way to start the day. But with kids? It's like waking up to a sinking boat that needs to get the water bailed out!

I'm having a hard time because I don't get any solitude. For a solid week and a half, all I wanted to do was sit down and write for a stretch of time, and I don't think I got the chance. Now I'm no longer in the mood to write, and I feel bad about it. It isn't often I feel motivated to do much of anything, so it's a crummy feeling to feel like I let myself down.

One thing that I'm back to doing is dieting. I count my calories, which apparently brings out a competitiveness in me. Yesterday, I had just over 1000 calories. I made a soup that's 70 calories per bowl, and it's filling! Now, it isn't called the Sad Woody Diet for nothing, though. I'm hungry, and, if all goes according to plan, I'm going to be hungry for a good stretch of time. The reason I'm doing this again? I weighed in at 199 a couple days ago, and I think it's time to put some serious distance between me and 200.

I love coffee. For a few days I turned to hot water with lemon and benefiber. But that was after a crazy party night.

Crash Boy is a wonderful little guy. This whole time I've been writing, he's been bringing me over little cards from a Cars matching game. I think he's earned some play time from his tired old dad.

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