Friday, January 11, 2019

My idea of a good time

I need a break. I'm stressed out, and unfortunately, I have a hard time telling how stressed I am until I find myself more angry than I need to be at my boys.

Here's my remedy for being sad or depressed.

Warm tasty non-fatty food (like ramen noodles), time to be alone (away from home), and some mild exercise (a walk).

To me, it's just enough to get me out of rock bottom. It's no major solution, but it's enough that when things seem dark, I can get high enough to see  a glimmer of light. Get my blood flowing, get my thoughts together.

So, what can I do when I'm stressed out?

Obviously, I'd love to be alone. Jessi needs to go to the DMV at some point, and for some reason, I couldn't help but daydream about it. I'd have a place to sit and I'd bring a book and a small baggie of peanuts. It sounds heavenly to me.

More sleep. I don't ever intend to stay up late, just as I don't ever intend to wake up early, but I find myself doing both. I need more sleep.

I want to rant. I don't have anything but papercuts to complain about, because my life is pretty great, but if I could drink a few glasses of wine and just complain, well out of earshot of my family, that would be terrific.

It's a real shame that getting out of these moods takes time. If I could solve being stressed out in a matter of hours, I would. But it's all about making a positive routine, designing a new paradigm to get my nerves back from the edge.

Well, Echo's waking up now! I've got to get that dude. Here's some cute gifs of my boys!

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