Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Parent friends and the peril of seeing them!

Twice a week, I go to my brother's wife's sister's house, and play games with my brother's wife and my brother's wife's sister's husband.
Now that that's explained, let's talk about it!
Jordan has a lot of board games. Maybe even over a hundred? And most days, we learn a new game, play it, and then play one that we've already learned. Also, if Jess is late, then Jordan and I play a game just between us!
Oh, and there's seven kids hanging around, but they know how to play together very well!

But man oh man, it is hard to keep a diet around friends. Eating is social, eating is FUN, and even back in the heyday of the Sad Woody Diet, if I was hanging out with friends, I let myself forget about the diet. I still managed to lose 30 pounds this way, so it worked all right! But that was back when I rarely hung out with people. Maybe a couple times a month? But a couple times a week? Whew!
Last time I weighed myself, I came in at 199 pounds. That is just inside the city limits of Hundo-Town, and I know this whole board gaming parent thing is to blame!

What I should do is bring my own food, and have a hearty breakfast before coming over.

Well, problem solved! Here's some cute pictures!

I had a picture of Josie smiling, and a picture of Echo smiling. So I put them together!

Jaina is a silly one!

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