Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Cups of Coffee: 4/14/15

     I know what you're thinking.  You're thinking, "What, another one of these mini posts?  What a cop-out!"  And I am offended by that.  Not because it isn't true, but because you're totally missing out on the obvious opportunity to call it a "cup-out".  So there.

Cup of coffee #7:  Mother's Day
A few nights ago, Jessi reminded me, "Hey, don't forget that Mother's Day is May 10."  And so I thanked her, and started thinking of things we could do for our mothers.  Last year, Mother's Day was when we announced the pregnancy to our family.  So, my brain started thinking about things we could do for our moms.
Mother's Day, 2014.  The redhead squad!
What I failed to realize, even as I was considering last year, was that my wife is now a mom.  I don't remember exactly how Jessi managed to get that into my head without saying it outright, but I'm sure it was the verbal equivalent of hitting me with a neon sign.  Whaaaaaaaaat?!  How did that happen?

Cup of coffee #8:  Boffer swords!

So, just to prove that my life has not ended since having kids, let me express my excitement towards something slightly summer-related.  POOL NOODLES ARE ONLY A BUCK AT THE DOLLAR STORE!!!  This is a very exciting time, and I've been waiting for it since last year!  I am so excited, because the two best forms of exercise are obstacle courses, and beating other people / getting beaten with foam swords made with pool noodles, PVC pipe, and duct tape.
The supplies cost about $2.50!  Woo!
The cheap noodles are thin, so they pack a punch!
I plan on having a family tournament, following basic rules of this sort of thing.  Someone hits your arm, tuck it behind your back.  Someone hits your leg, hop on one leg, someone hots your torso, you're out, and no one hits the face.
Someday, DanPar, you shall wield your father's blade.

Cup of coffee #9:  My own little ad

But seriously.  I used to have a huge problem with getting those red bumps from shaving.  I had a pre-shave scrub, a special no-irritation shave gel, and a powerful aftershave.  Still got the bumps.  As it turns, out, I just wasn't using the right razor.  You could keep living your life with the assumption that the more blades the better, but it's not true.  One blade.  It takes a day to learn the perfect angle, it makes you feel like a stud, and as for the blades, well, I accidentally bought enough blades for two years, for 10 dollars.  And that was buying the best brand I knew about.

1 comment:

  1. It was: "By the way, I have produced offspring... In case you didn't know."
