Tuesday, April 19, 2016

16 months! Still small, still growing!

I have a problem with our pediatrician.
It's not that she's unkind. She's super friendly! And the boy loves seeing her! It's also not that she's unknowledgeable. I asked about everything from baby friends to baby feces, and she didn't miss a beat. No, nothing like that.

It's more that when I showed her that Daniel could:
  • answer "What do dogs say?" with an excited "Woof!",
  • pat his head when I asked him where hats go,
  • do the gesture for "more" when he wanted more snacks,
  • retrieve his shoes from the bag when I asked him to,
  • and climb up onto a chair from my leg,
she said, "Oh, VERY good."

Excuse me?

This is his "Am I not good enough for you?!" face
(But it's actually his sign language for "All done!")
(He's so smart!)

I feel like she must have been half-asleep, because obviously our child is more adorable and more clever than every other baby that she has ever seen! There's no CHANCE that she's seen a 16 month-old know any sign language! And no CHANCE that she's seen a 16 month-old know animal sounds! And no CHANCE that she's seen a 16 month-old who can climb up onto furniture, let alone a chair!

There is my grievance. She was not flabbergasted enough. Her flabbers remained largely ungasted throughout DanPar's performance.

Baby blanket fort!

However, I am pleased as punch to announce that our boy is right on track, developmentally! He was around the 33rd percentile last time, and that's about where he's at now, in height and weight. Tiny boy. But filled with looooooooooove!

Also, she told us (somehow without saying, "Wait, you don't do this yet???") that the boy should be able to fall asleep on his own, and when he wakes up in the middle of the night, all we need to do is change him, maybe get him some water, and plop his little butt back in the crib!
This has improved my life tenfold!

Just like his cousin JaiMar, he likes sticking limbs outside of the crib.

Our little miscreant has also learned two very important things.
1) He can bring over objects to step on and help him climb up onto furniture, which is not at all perilous for young children.
2) Pork chops walk around and oink. Seriously. His mom taught him this.

Climbing all on his own!

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