Friday, April 1, 2016

DanPar the Fool! 12 month bloopers!

1 month old!

I admit it. There's nothing too particularly weird about this picture. What you have to understand is, when babies are born, they look like aliens. You. You looked like an alien. DanPar looked like an alien. That first month, all we tried to do were find the alien pictures that looked the nicest.

2 months old!

I think he was in the middle of a sneeze. And thankfully, the camera was clicking!

3 months old!

If you've been around that long, yes, I posted this one a year ago. But that's because it's AWESOME. 

4 months old!

This right here is what I imagine all babies look like, to people who don't ever want babies ever.

5 months old!

This one was great. He looks like a dude trying too hard to look cool. Also, this is back when I branded my photos! Good times.

6 months old!

He had just learned to crawl, and we were so happy every time he tried! But when taking pictures, we kept on flipping him onto his back. The face says it all.

7 months old!

Kids start seeing when they're around 2 months old. DanPar, however, was able to see into the infinite abyss of light at 7 months.

8 months old!

The best one ever.

Sometimes your kid is just too silly for one blooper. I don't know what was going on in that kid's head at 8 months, but thank goodness we took one that made him look drunk!

9 months old!

Psyche! At 9 months old, DanPar could not take a bad picture. They were all good. They were all keepers. I considered throwing out all the ones from before 9 months old, and just saying that he came out that cute, and not at all goopy.

10 months old!

He isn't picking his nose. But he sure looks like he is!

11 months old!

At 11 months, DanPar had stuff to do. He did NOT want his picture taken. He did NOT want to stay in one place. The entire photo reel is pretty much the kid's slow, impeded exodus from our makeshift studio.

12 months old!

And finally, we come to 12 months. DanPar has transcended the aesthetic world, and it is now impossible for him to take a bad picture. He is and will always be this cute. Because he's my baby. And I can't imagine that ever not being the case.

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