Monday, April 25, 2016

Prince and lawn care!

Prince died a few days ago, and so another immortal musician has died in 2016.
Most of my friends were pretty sad about this. Some just said something along the lines of, "Well, I never listened to his music anyways." Which rubbed me the wrong way. Like you're watching a funeral procession, and you feel the need to contribute some dismissive comment.
I have a rule in my life to earnestly pray for the well-being of the souls of the dead, and this time was no different. However, in my attitude of "What a good boy am I", I realized I'd never listened to Prince before, either. So, today was the day!

I don't believe in pirating music (anymore), but thankfully, I'm pretty literate when it comes to online catalogs, and checked out Prince's album Ultimate while mowing my lawn.

And WHOA. Prince friggin' rocked, guys! I didn't know he was the guy behind "When Doves Cry", and the line "party like it's 1999". My favorite song from the album was definitely "Controversy". I had no idea it was a 7-minute song until just now, actually, because it was just a fun beat to mow to!

I know, I know, this doesn't have anything to do with fatherhood or DanPar or anything.
But I'm glad that Prince has meant so much to my friends, and I'm really happy to say that I enjoyed this music! (If I'd listened to his music, and found it bad, I probably would be staying respectfully quiet.)

DanPar was pretty busy doing his own thing while I mowed.
His own thing.

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