Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My second rodeo

This isn't my first rodeo.
But it sure feels like it.

Just before going into the labor/delivery room!

Jessi just knew yesterday that she wasn't feeling well. So we packed our bags, installed the car seat, and got ready. Just in case.
But we're not ready.
It's early. And now that we're sitting here, we're feeling all the things not done, not ready, not yet.

Sitting here, can't do anything but be supportive of things I don't understand and coordinate with the family.

My bed for the night!

I even cancelled the DnD session on Monday. Crash is crashing the party unfashionably soon. And I haven't yet trained DanPar as my deputy enough. Still no sign for quiet time, still no understanding of what's happening, and still no idea how to fetch nachos for his old man.

And as much as I'd like to keep things light-hearted, I know he's early. 36 months. A nurse came in to let us know that he should be fine. Maybe trouble eating, but he should be fine. Maybe imperfect temperature control, but he should be fine. Maybe just a quick stay in the NICU, but he should be fine.
Should be.

Should be.

Should be.

Sweet, sweet, baby.


  1. We are praying for that sweet, sweet, baby! (and you guys too :)) Best of luck you guys!!

  2. Also, 36 MONTHS? That baby has been in there for THREE YEARS!!!!


    Poor jessi.
