Sunday, August 28, 2016

The new guy.

He's just so little! He's just a potato of a boy!

But he's a champ. We haven't been able to spend too much time with him, since he's been under a broiler in the NICU (pronounced "nick-you"). He just needs fat. He's not as well insulated (like his dad), so they've got to keep his temperature up and if he doesn't eat, stick a tube down there and make it happen.

Everything is good, though! He hasn't needed the tube for a couple days, and the hardest part of feeding (for all of us) is that if he's held too close, he'll nod off. So snuggling has to wait until he's done with his milk!

We were able to get a few more days at the hospital, even after being discharged, and so our stay was lengthened!
But I won't lie, cabin fever has got me good. We organized our little room as much as possible, but we're still stuck here. And my back still hurts from the first two nights on a super crappy couch-bed meant for someone half my height and half my weight.
We should be heading back home for a short while today, but it'll be mostly to grab more clean clothes and tidy up the place so we'll be ready for the new guy.

He's all skin and bones and wires right now, but having been through this before, we can see him as part of our little family already. DanPar was new and scary. Crash is new, but we've seen what a kid can be. And DanPar is the sweetest boy ever.
I hope he's gonna be a good brother.

Deputy DanPar has met little Crash twice now, and he's excited. Excited to point out his nose and old man fingers and nee-moots (nipples) and kiss his head. We'll see if he's still excited when we bring the tyke home!

But this is MY blog, so I'm gonna write diverging about ME.
The hospital where we stayed last time had soft pretzels, and that was awesome. This place has good breakfast burritos. I can't stop thinking about the ending of Y: The Last Man, and of course I can't, it's incredible. Eggs should be part of every meal, because protein. If I really think about it, yeah, toilet paper softness matters to me. How much is it to ask that they have a darn Pokéstop here at the hospital? I'm all out of pokéballs!

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