Saturday, March 28, 2015

Cups of Coffee: 3/28/15

Cup of coffee #4:  Manhandling your baby with love

DanPar: "Who's that studly looking little infant in the mirror?"
Me: "Why, that's you, DanPar!"
DanPar:  "Wow!  I look great!  How did you get me in this delightful one-piece?"
Me:  "Simple!  I grabbed your ankles like I was hog-tying you to get the diaper on, then I crammed your head through the top, blinding you for a good few seconds, and stuffed your chubby little arms into the sleeves like three weeks of clothing into a carry-on!"
DanPar:  "...that sounds pretty intense."
Me:  "I'm so happy your bones are all flexible and that your memories won't form for years!"

Cup of coffee #5:  This face

The expression that DanPar is making in this photo is a common expression for children his age.  He is pooping.  From his first full day on this planet, he's been making faces while making feces.  The only frightening thought is, Do I make a face like that while pooping?  Some mysteries are best left unknown.

Cup of coffee #6:  Bath time = fun time!

Jessi, my wife, is quite the swimmer.  She loves to go to the pool, and she can backstroke faster than I can...anything in the water.  In any case, we're both pretty good in the water.  So, we thought, "Hey, I bet that he's gonna love bathtime!  Plus, it'll be like life in the womb!"
Nnnnnnnnnope.  He views bathtime like some kind of medieval torture.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious, as always.

    My babies hated bath time until I figured out that the water was too cold. Those silly "too hot" ducks things are ridiculous. Once I started using the mom-thermometer (how warm would I want my bath water?), our babies started loving the bath.

    Then again, I did accidentally waterboard my baby one time. True story. So maybe it is more like medieval torture.
