Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Dadmaster's Day Off!

Holy crap, y'all!  Jessi got invited to a baby shower, and SO DID DANPAR!!!

The only question is...what on earth did I do on an afternoon without my wife and son?

Step 1:
Asked Google
That is not what I asked, Google.
Step 2:
Asked my friends
To give him some credit, drunk me is pretty awesome.
Step 3:
Went for a run

Serious business here.  This was the one thing I could think of that I just straight up couldn't do with a baby.  And it was delightful.  For, like ten seconds.
Step 4:
Did some micro-shopping
Went into a store to buy ONE thing.  No problem.
(That is like a superpower for a stay-at-home.)
Step 5:
Got comfortable

This is why curtains exist.
Step 6:
Blasted music on repeat
"All my life I've been living in the fast lane!"
Step 7:
Made a DanPar gif
 photo Smiley dude.gif
Also, failed to combine the words "gif" and "giraffe".
Step 8:
Had some caprese skewers

Used dried basil.  Cause it's cheap.
And of course I'm still "comfortable".
Step 9:
Aren't these nice curtains?  DanPar didn't think so...

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