Thursday, March 19, 2015

Daily Dad Fashion!

Hey!  Listen!
Some days are type-y days.  Some days are click-y days.  And I just found out that I can play Don't Starve as Link from LoZ (hooray mods!) so today has quickly become a click-y day.

But don't worry!  Even with few words, this post reveals the real secret to being a stay-at-home dad!  Dealing with sleep deprivation, crying, or constantly doing laundry is no problem.  The REAL challenge is doing it while looking so doggone good!

So, here are my top-three outfits for the totally real magazine, Dad Fashion!!

Live every day like you're Batman.  A cashier once asked me what that meant.  I told her that it meant the you should always see the best in others, live every day with joy, and to tell your family that you love them.  Close enough?

The little guy's shirt says, "Player 3 has entered the game."  Thanks, Amy!

My wife is so awesome.  She made both of our hats!

Also, as a little blooper reel, here's a great picture of how NOT to dress a baby!

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