Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cups of Coffee: 3/4/15

     So, on days like today, I feel like doing a short post.  Nothing big, just a few thoughts on parenting.  I'm gonna call these my cups of coffee.

Cup of coffee #1: Planning playing
     I think I'm pretty awesome.  In fact, I'm certain I'm awesome.  Here's one reason why.  I'm structuring our playtime, so I have a set of games to play, each about 6 minutes long, because apparently babies have a hard time caring about an activity if it takes much longer than that.  (Also, because 6 minutes is already a timer on my phone for brewing coffee in a French press.)
     So, I've spent a good amount of time this morning sound-editing, so that I have what I need to play with.  A slowed down karaoke version of "Let's Do the Twist," for practice strengthening our legs, some light-hearted videogame music for bouncing on the bed, etc.  I love how my odd skills somehow help me as a parent.

I put together a mix from Super Mario RPG.  This is the Forest Maze music!

Cup of coffee #2: Cashing in my 20 minutes
     Yesterday, DanPar was having a bad day.  And I have no idea why.  He refused to take a nap, he would cry like he was hungry, drink an ounce, and then cry because I was still trying to feed him.  Our pediatrician has told us that you can, every once in a while, set your kiddo down in his crib, when you've tried everything, he's clean, he's fed, and he's safe, and you can take 20 minutes just to put your mind to something else.  Up to yesterday, I'd never done this.
     It was snowing outside, with beautiful little spherical flakes that made a sound when they hit your jacket.  So I set the kiddo down, set a timer for 20 minutes, and sat outside, eating chili, and reading Batman.  It was lovely.

Cup of coffee #3: Baby clothes
     It's official.  And it's weird.  We now have clothes that were too big for him when he was born that are now too small for him.  It's all part of kids growing, but it's so weird to think that even this kid is growing, when he's such a small little nipper!

1 comment:

  1. Yes. 20 minutes. So important for mental health. And coffee. Also important for mental health.
