Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The other responsibility of a parent

     Now, as a parent of a three month-old baby, I know most of what's expected of me.  Change his diaper, cuddle with him, keep him fed, talk to him, give him time to learn to move around.  All that good stuff, to develop him emotionally, physically, and mentally.

     But what about socially?  I don't want my boy growing up to be a nobody!  So I pose that another responsibility for any good parent is the baby's agent.

     The basic way to be a good agent is to show off your kid.  Sharing cute pictures with family is an essential part of taking care of your kid.  You want them to "ooh" and "ahh" over how much he's growing up!  If your baby is just naturally the cutest thing on the planet, you might think your job is done.  But in this day and age, even your Aunt Susan is being inundated with baby pictures.  So, that brings us to the intricacies of being a baby's agent.  I've listed 3 pointers to make sure you do it right!

Pointer #1:  Have lots of pictures, but only put a few on exhibit.
     Quality over quantity, yo.  Yesterday, we took a grand total of 128 pictures with DanPar.  How many made the cut to Facebook?  FOUR.  What happened to the others?  Oh, you bet they're saved.  Check out Amazon Cloud Drive.  They have infinite photo storage.  So, when the grandmothers start asking for more pictures, show them off with pride!  Grandmas are easily impressed, so IMPRESS THEM.

Point #2:  Keep the baby real.
     As I'm sure you know, babies are beautiful sleepy little angels, planted like drops of peace onto the families they bless, like messengers of tranquility.  Now, if you're a parent, you're probably going to need a few moments to recover from your roflmao-ing.  Last night, DanPar cried for an hour and a half straight.  We fed him, changed him, rocked him, did everything, but it didn't work.  Do you know why?  Because he was TIRED.  That's right, folks.  The kid was laying down in his crib, and he was screaming his head off, because he wanted to go to sleep.  Why can't he?  Because he's crying too much.
     Don't try too hard to make everything all roses.  Your life does not exist in a magical happy bubble where your baby only sleeps and smiles.  Get some reality in there.  Crying at the zoo?  Cool.  Just peed on you?  Awesome.  Pooped all over the curtains?  Start a public blog, and let the world know!
If your baby never appears to be more than a stock photo image, the little nipper will never feel that real to your relatives.

Point #3:  Get silly with it.
     If you have a cute little baby, who already does silly things, the least you can do is exploit that!  (For his sake.)  I'm sure if my kiddo had any idea about most things, he would be jealous of that Nirvana baby swimming after the dollar.  Man, even I'm jealous of the evil eye baby!  So, what can you do to really increase his popularity with the Internet?  Make him a meme!

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